How Can You Help?

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

Martin Luther King

Don’t accept hate. Don’t remain invisible. Empower yourself and others by taking action. Speak out against antigay violence and stand up for LGBT equality.

Here a just a few of the ways you can get involved:

  • Report Incidents of violence
  • Share your own stories
  • Volunteer in your community
  • Educate yourself on LGBT issues
  • Donate to Pro-LGBT organizations
  • Write or call your state adn local representatives

The following organizations are committed to fighting for LGBT equality and raising public awareness about the prevalence of antigay violence. Each has a proven record in tackling the challenging issues facing the LGBT community. They offer distinct ways for you to empower yourself, and others, to stand up against homophobia, prejudice, and antigay violence.

To navigate to an organization, click on any Logo.

Tracking anti-gay violence across America, the NCAVP and AVP provide the most accurate and comprehensive statistical data on antigay violence in the nation. AVP also provides support and advocacy services for victims, partners, families, and friends of those impacted by antigay violence. Report violence in your area, become a hotline volunteer, request training sessions for your business, school, or organization, or get involved in any of their outreach programs in your community.

HRC is one of the nation’s leading organizations promoting equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans.

Whether it’s finding out about the latest legislative measures impacting civil rights for LGBT Americans or shopping for pro-equality bumper stickers and clothing, the HRC website offers a wealth of educational resources and opportunities for getting involved. The next move is yours!

The 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming is the most known anti-gay hate crime in America. Early on, the MSF became central in the effort to secure Federal Hate Crime Legislation that would include protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Discover how Matthew’s legacy continues to impact social change and cultural attitudes about LGBT people. Check out Matthew’s Place, a great advocacy resource for teens and LGBT youth. Learn more about this remarkable family and how you can become a part of their mission to “replace hate with understanding, compassion, and acceptance.”

True to its name, GLAAD understands the major roles the news and entertainment media play in shaping social views about LGBT people. Central to their mission, GLAAD is committed to being the gatekeeper of fairness and equality, rewriting the narratives that could otherwise foster continued misperceptions about the gay community. From Anti-bullying Resource Kits and Media Responsibility Reports, to the latest news and facts on legislative and legal issues impacting the LGBT community, GLAAD’s website is a warehouse of resources to help you find the best way to get involved.

Being a teenager is tough. It’s even tougher if you happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. With reports that nearly 1,500 LGBTQ youth commit suicide every year, The Trevor Project is dedicated to providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention. This site has news and information on Federal and State legislation, advocacy programs, mental health, and Safe-Schools policies. You can also watch the Academy Award-winning short film Trevor that helped give birth to The Trevor Project.

Founded in 1972, PFLAG works to provide support for LGBTQ people and their families, friends and allies. Review PFLAG’s six goals for an affirming and inclusive culture for LGBTQ Americans. Find out more about PFFLAG’s connections with Safe-Schools initiatives, National and Local Scholarship opportunities, and Straight for Equality programs.

With organizations in all 50 states, find a chapter in your local community, or start your own! They’ll show you how.

When it comes to fighting hate, bigotry, and intolerance, the SPLC is at the forefront of the campaign. The SPLC is central in identifying and classifying hate groups around the country. They track hate group activities and pursue legal action to “destroy networks of radical extremists.”

Do you want to learn which state has the highest number of hate groups? Check out the SPLCs Hate Map. You can track the latest Hatewatch Headlines and review the numerous ways to get involved in your community.

Lambda Legal is the first organization devoted to equality for LGBT Americans. Same-sex marriage, DOMA and DADT are the major players, but anti-equality campaigns run deep. Find out about civil rights laws in your state; follow current court cases in litigation, or get involved in education and advocacy campaigns. You can also learn about anti-LGBT curriculum “No Homo Promo” laws; policies designed to keep the LGBT community and its history invisible in the classroom.

Focusing on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Transgender and Gender Non-conforming people of color, the ALP is invested in unifying diverse communities impacted by social injustices and hate.

This New York based organization offers news, information, and lists of valuable resources throughout you can take advantage of. Become a member and lead efforts to educate your community of issues of oppression, injustice, and inequality, or donate to the ALP to ensure its future successes.

Society’s resistance in honoring a person’s gender identity or expression that does not conform to the binary of heterosexuality is discriminatory. Unfortunately, the means for protecting against discrimination, harassment and violence are challenging. If you’re a person of color or of poverty status, the challenges are deepened. Learn how SRLP is taking steps to engage in Anti-Oppression Practices, using training seminars, education, policy reform, and lawsuits to change the landscape of hate.