The Visibility Tapes: Exposing Antigay Violence In America

The Webstory Series

Webstories are media miniatures that integrate images and audio.

The Webstories are designed for radio stations, pro-equality organizations, and LGBTQ history museums. Use them in classrooms and lecture halls as educational tools. Feature them on your website or blog. Help raise public awareness about antigay violence by sending them to family and friends, or post them on Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media.

Webstory I | Gay is Good

On a warm May afternoon, a group of young men and women wearing suits and pastel dresses is assembling on Pennsylvania Avenue. They pick up hand-painted signs glued to poles and raise them above their heads. One reads “Fifteen Million U.S. Homosexuals Protest Federal Treatment,” and another, “First-Class Citizenship for Homosexuals.” Frank Kameny leads the single-file march alongside the most recognizable wrought-iron fence in the nation. The year is 1965. They are in front of the White House, and the first peaceful protest that would change the course of history for LGBT Americans has just begun.